Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan (LFSP) | Forest Agriculture Program
Gatesman Environmental will work with you to develop a Forest Stewardship Management Plan to guide and assist you to actively manage forest, woody vegetation, and associated resources in order to meet the Colorado Forest Agriculture Program requirements to ultimately be able to be eligible for Grand County Assessor Forest Agricultural property classification requirements.
We will develop a Management Activity Schedule of the LFSP and future required Annual Work Plan documentation schedule for future documentation submittal to the Colorado State Forest.
A final report will delivered following the State of Colorado's guidelines for the Landowner Forest Stewardship Plan (LFSP) that will meet the requirements of the Colorado Forest Agriculture Program.

Field Work and Project Investigation:
- field visit
- resource inventory
- cruise plot identification and classifications of 10 plots per 40 acres
- recommended treatments and silvicultural prescriptions
- 10-yr implementation schedule.